2006_1 summer; Leonardo in October
2006. 7.6 ~ 2006. 8.24
Topic; Leonardo in October
In this summer, our reading is full of joy, but is limited to just two journals, October and Leonardo. As you might know, October is related to red October, and Leonardo is the genius, our da vinci. Revolution and Genius are not always connected but they meet each other from time to time in our history. We would call the meeting location juxtaposition, and will relocate it in the ground of art and technology, fine art and applied art, academic and industry, and so on.
Readings in every week are composed of two parts; 1. theoretical discussion, and 2. practical analysis. We will not read the text only literally, but also expansively, by extending our views and topics to the cutting edged debates. As you know well, I call it, dense reading. Let's expect the sizzling jouissance! [Well, after every lab meeting, we will have a cooling-off time in a cold bar with cups of freezing beer.]
- Dr. Yoon
To grap the lab meeting material, visit the address below.
ftp://maat.ssu.ac.kr/lab meeting/2006 summer, Leonardo in October
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Media Art in Aesthetic Technology Lab.
Soongsil University
Seoul, South Korea
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