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2012_1 summer; Into the Web of Kittler and Flusser

2012 summer MAAT lab Study: 2012.07.27 – 08.31 (MAAT BOOK 14)

 Into the Web of Kittler and Flusser 

Our 14th lab study has come in this summer. This summer will be fulfilled with Vilém Flusser’s influential writings and Friedrich Kittler’s insightful articles. New media and media studies could not be pronounced without their researches, and those two scholars have cultivated our contemporary ideas on technological media. Flusser’s oeuvres are beautifully written-in my view- leaving from complex web of footnotes, while many of them are translated and distributed into various versions in the earth. Thus, Flusser provides us somewhat different approaches to new media from the traditional way of writings. Based on a similar approach, Kittler asserts the autonomy of technology trying to escape from the tradition of writing, so called, the written history. There are several Korean version books of Flusser, but Kittler has few. In this beautiful summer, we will try to connect two scholars’ ideas in terms of technology and the writing. 

Well, it is up to you, MAAT LAB members, what to find out and how to develop these precious clues for you. Getting macro view would be useful? If you are a teacher, it might be useful, but in a sense it is impossible to unfold the whole entity and to get a clear view. Or, micro view would be fruitful? If you are a researcher, it could be a key-starting point. Anyway, we are in front of a huge web of thoughts and ideas. Let’s get your own clue, and begin to disentangle the web, even though it could be more complicating… 

- 2012.06.30   dr.yoon

 [OM] Friedrich A. Kittler, Optical Media: Berlin Lectures 1999, trans. Anthony Enns (Cambridge: Polity, 2010)

[RB] Vilém Flusser, 그림의 혁명Die Revolution der Bilder, 1995, 김현진 역 (서울:커뮤니케이션북스, 2004).

Soongsil University, Information Science Building (No.21) room 606

369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 156-743, Republic of Korea

tel. 82.2.824.0718      fax. 82.2.822.3622


1. Vilém Flusser, Writings, ed. Andreas Ströhl, trans. Erik Eisel (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2002)

- On the theory of Communication (ca. 1986-87) 8-20

- The Codified World (1978) 35-41

- The Future of Writing (1983-84) 63-69

- Images in the New Media (1989) 70-74

- Change of Paradigms (1991) 85-90

- Photography and History (1989) 126-131

- A Historiography Revised (1982) 135-137

2. Vilém Flusser, Does Writing Have a Future?, trans. Nancy Ann Roth (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2002)

- Letter of the Alphabet 23-35

- Text 37-45

- Print 47-53 

3. Vilém Flusser, Into the Universe of Technical Images, trans. Nancy Ann Roth (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2000)

- To Imagine, 11-13

- To Signify, 41-50

- To Interact, 51-60

- To Create, 95-104

4. Friedrich A. Kittler and Mathew Griffin, “The City is a Medium,” New Literary History, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1996) 717-729.

5. 박영욱, “1900년경 아날로그 기록매체가 예술 및 문화에 끼친 영향: Friedrich Kittler의 이론을 중심으로,”

6. Friedrich A. Kittler, “The History of Communication Media,” CTHEORY, ga114,  1996.

7. Friedrich A. Kittler, “The Perspective of Print,” trans. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Michael Wutz, Configuration: A Journal of Literature, Science and Technology 10.1 (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP,2002) 37-50.

8. Friedrich A. Kittler, Optical Media: Berlin Lectures 1999, trans. Anthony Enns (Cambridge: Polity, 2010)

- Photography, 118-145

- Film, 145-207

- Television, 207-224

- Computers, 225-230


Media Art in Aesthetic Technology Lab.

Soongsil University

Seoul, South Korea






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Department of Digital Media, Graduate School, Soongsil University

511 Sangdo-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 156-743, South Korea

Information Science Building(No.21) room 606

tel.82.2.824.0718 fax.82.2.822.3622