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The Language of Material
2010년 4월 2일 IT대학 102호 1시
강사 : Michael zwingmann
■ 현재 독일 하노버에서 아티스트로 활동 중
■ ArtWork : 주변 환경과 소통하는 작업
■ 강의내용 : 그의 작품세계와 물질, 자연환경에 대한 흥미로운 강의
1993 B.F.A. Department of Fine Art, University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Germany
1987 – 88 foreign exchange student in India
1986 Competition for an identification mark - cementry Hannover-Lahe
1995 Skulpturecompetition city of Garbsen
1997 5. Sculpturesymposion, Holzminden
1998 Darmstädter Sezession
Education Career
1999 - 2008 Lecturer, University of Lueneburg, Germany
since 2006 Lecturer for broncecasting, GSI Institut (Bad Bevensen)
since 2007 Lecturer University of Braunschweig
since 1994 Exhibitions in Norway, Korea, Japan, Italy, England und Germany,US
Media Art in Aesthetic Technology Lab.
Soongsil University
Seoul, South Korea
MAAT Intranet
Department of Digital Media, Graduate School, Soongsil University
511 Sangdo-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 156-743, South Korea
Information Science Building(No.21) room 606
tel.82.2.824.0718 fax.82.2.822.3622